Saturday, April 4, 2009

Madison the Narcissist

I thought I would offer some insights into Madison's personality. Madison looks at herself in the mirror for extended periods of time on a daily basis. She is obsessed with her appearance. The other day we were running out the door and I told her to put the shoes on that were closest to the door. She looked at me as if I were crazy and said, "Do these shoes match to my outfit? I don't think so!"

I pulled her out of the tub the other day and dryed her hair with a towel. Before I had a chance to brush it she started to cry and sobbed, "I look awful." Oh, the drama...

She likes to change her clothes often, and I only allow one outfit per day, so one day she told me she had wet her pants. I told her to go into the bathroom and I would be in in a minute to help her. When I got there she had already changed but her previous clothes were dry. I then realized that she told me she had wet herself just so she could change her clothes.

What three year old cares this much? Is it because I think she is cute and I tell her that all the time? She just had parent observation day at her dance class, and she spent the whole time smiling right at people and tilting her head and making cute faces. One of the other mothers came up to me afterwards and said she had never seen a child so aware of her audience.

If only there was a way to harness this self-esteem and give it back to her when she is twelve and has braces, is taller than all the boys, and is figuring out how to do her own hair...

Madison is a very sweet girl and I love her dearly, this is just one of her crazy quirks.

1 comment:

  1. She's too cute. I wish I was that confident! Not to mention fashion-savvy... :)
