Saturday, April 4, 2009

How Quickly We Forget

It has been too long since I've had a baby. I forgot how much I love them. So here is my top ten list of things I love about babies.

10-When you pick them up their legs are still scrunched up by their tummy and their bum sticks out. How adorable
9-They have literal rolls on their wrists and on their thighs
8-I can put headband bows on them
7-They love you and smile when you walk by
6-They are so small that you can do anything while holding them
5-It's like having your own doll to dress up several times a day
4-They give these open mouth slobbery kisses anywhere on your face
3-They think their own hands and feet are the best toys
2-They let you hold them and cuddle them for as long as you need, and that makes everything bad in your own life feel better
1-No matter how immobile your baby is, if you are both on the same bed they will wiggle and scoot until they are pressed up against you. How do they know you are there?

*I love you, Taya! I'm so glad you came to be my baby! You may never know how badly I wanted you.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. She is so cute, Loni! And I hear she is a PERFECT baby. I'm glad you're enjoying your cute little girls and dressing them up as much as you possible can :)
